Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Prize Inside, Vol.5: No Boners

In this installment, Ryan, Corey and uber-super special guest Leigh Marvin (author of Jaded Cubed) talk (sans pants) about our guests misadventures in "customer" service, the mystery that is the boner and sneaking into sci-fi flicks.


  1. Of course Corey, use the photo of me AFTER doing the polar bear ice dip...Jerkface McGrumpypants

  2. Ha, I'm sorry! You don't have a ton of pictures with your face not obscured or something, at least not on your fb. Plus, polar bearing is something to be proud of!

    - Corey

  3. Are you implying that my photos are like pr0n photos?

  4. Curry Ketchup is pretty dope. I uesd to get it at the German store next to Scarecrow Video. (no boners)
